Terrified to talk to my husband.. vent post UPDATE


3 days ago I saw a post on here about a woman not wanting to have sex with her husband because he tested positive for HSV-2. I honestly didn’t know much about herpes so I googled it out of curiosity and to become more aware. Well, that night I noticed a bump on my inner labia and thought “oh, just a pimple.” That’s what it felt like as I’ve had them there before. I woke up the following morning and had 6 more spots on both my inner and outer labia and 1 on my inner thigh. Wtf. They hurt to touch, one broke open and burns when I urinate, and overall just irritating and itchy. I have never had an outbreak before, but am starting to think this is HSV-2. I live in the middle of nowhere Nevada so I can’t just drive 20 minutes to the doc, so I will be going in on Monday to get it checked out.

Anyways, I am absolutely terrified to tell my husband. And let me start by saying I have NOT cheated on him..EVER. But he can be very insecure and the worst always comes to his head. I don’t want to tell him and him freak out on me and this cause a giant argument. But I also know it is his right to know if I do come back positive so we can take precautions when needed. I do not know if he has it, we have never talked about it. I don’t know if I got it from him from one of his previous relationships and am just now having an outbreak. Or if I got it from one of my previous relationships.. I don’t know. I’m just scared. I know it isn’t the end of the world as a lot of people have it, I just don’t want an argument to happen. Thanks for reading..just needed somewhere to vent a little bit. 😔


So, I went to the doc today. He is thinking genital herpes😒 He did a culture and I should know the results hopefully by the end of the week. In the mean time he is putting me on antibiotics and an antiviral. I’ll just have to keep coming up with lame excuses for my husband until I find out. 😞 My vagina effing hurts and it is probably the worst thing I’ve ever experienced.