I think stress is running my body into the ground..



So I’m a college student and a part time pharmacy technician. I have a lot on my plate and I think it’s been causing some nasty changes to my body but just in case someone has experienced or heard of something similar.. I’m putting it out there for potential answers and support..

In the last year to year and a half, I dropped from 95-100 lbs to 80-85 pounds. Recently I was able to bring myself back up to 85-90 but the amount of food consumption and exercise it took seems extensive..

My cycle has also gone from 28 days to 35 days in the last 4+ months and since I am 4 days late on a 35 day cycle, maybe even longer now.

TMI WARNING (skip if you want)

I have a thick white nipple discharge that started with a white pimple like spot that got red and swollen that I popped a few days ago. The spot has gone away but the discharge has been there since. I’ve had it before but only for a few hours or a day.. not days

I’m also losing a considerable amount of my hair and no matter how many types of skincare products I use, I have adult acne (black and white heads and big red acne spots that itch)

After my weight loss, I went from a pretty healthy diet to whatever I could get my hands on to try to maintain some weight. So that could account for my skin issues.

I’ve seen doctors.. nothing really standing out to them or myself to cause all these changes

I did have a miscarriage in October of 2016 at 14 weeks.

I have chocked it up to stress at this point but could it maybe be the miscarriage? Or maybe normal body changes as I am 25 now?.. what are your thoughts? anything helps at this point 😅