I just don't know what to do with myself


I was cheated on and lied to and had to leave that relationship. We had been together for almost 6 years and have a 11 month old son together. I'm having trouble moving on my mind stays on him 24/7, I thought he was the love of my life. I try to keep myself busy so my mind won't be on him but that's easier said then done. I hate him for ever giving another female attention he should have been giving me. I'm trying to stay strong because I know I deserve better but it's so hard trying to get my heart on the same page as my mind. I know I'll always have to deal with him because of our son. Especially after finally getting my sex drive back after having my son ,it just seems like it would be easier going back to him. I'm not the type to sleep around and I can't have sex with my ex because then he'll think what he did was ok. I just never imagined having to figure out a separate life without him. Will this get easier?