Which would you do? Read description please


So I was getting low on the butt cream we use that is compatible with our cloth diapers, so I bought some more, but I didn’t realize I’d gotten the wrong one ( right brand, wrong tube) until the old one was out & I got the new tube out 🤦🏻‍♀️. LO doesn’t get diaper rash often, so now big deal, I’ll grab some when I’m at the store the next day.... well they were out of stock 😳. I immediately order some. Well now I’m waiting for it to come in & sure enough LO has a little red on his bum. It’s not bad but normally I’d slather that thing up & get it cleared up right away.

So I’m in the dilemma do I put a disposable on him for a bit so I can use the butt cream I have , but disposables tend to bother him more & give him diaper rash. Or do I just keep the cloth on him that is better on his skin & wait for the right cream to come in?

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