
Ok so I don’t even know where to begin. I’m 19, on my second year of college with a 6 week old girl. My entire pregnancy was filled with stress from my mother. Constantly saying she wasn’t happy about the baby and that I needed to get a job (like who will hire a 7 month along pregnant woman?) and i was just using her house and food (like she didn’t beg me to come back home). I was due in a month and due to my mother’s behavior I up and left the house and moved in with my boyfriend and his parents. There was so much family drama with my moms family, I hadn’t spoken to my mom since I left the house up until my day of delivery.

I felt horrible after delivery (who doesn’t) and was in so much pain. Going back to my boyfriends house we have little to no privacy. I already felt insecure about my body, so having his mom or sisters just walk in when they please if I’m nursing or changing was just horrible. I love his family but I honestly didn’t want any visitors what so ever. On top of that, my boyfriend wasn’t much help with caring for her either. I always got up in the middle of the night and stayed up all night, meanwhile he’s able to get sleep.

I’m stressed out over our living situation. I’m stressed out with me having to catch up on all my college work on time. I’m stressed with my baby’s health (she just tested positive for RSV today). I’m stressed from being stressed. I still feel super insecure about my body. I now have a unpleasant odor down there and I’m still bleeding from tearing and just giving birth in general. My boyfriend is constantly horny and trying to get intimate with me and sometimes I’m JUST NOT FEELING IT! I get easily stressed out sometimes, I get anxiety. I can’t help that. And sometimes he’s super insensitive and just an overall asshole when I need some support. I understand I’m a mom, and I can’t freak out. But honestly I’ve been doing a great job at that. I’m doing everything I should be doing for my baby. It’s just really overwhelming and frustrating that I feel like I’m doing this alone when my parented is laying right next to me sound asleep.

I guess this is just a vent rather than asking for advice. I’m just so tired and stressed. Im constantly tired and sad. I get frustrated Everyday five minutes. And of course this bothers my partner. I just have no clue what to do to make our problems go away. ):