I need help...

I'm obese. Fat. Gross. I'm 19 and I weight over 250lbs... the lowest I've ever been was 209lbs... I have an inactive thyroid. Since I was a child I've been the bigger one in the group. My family would "moo" and "oink" at me which made me feel worse. Once I start feeling like I'm making progress I fall back down again... I have never had a normal lifestyle because of my weight and it causes me so much stress and depression. My gyno said to my face that I'm to fat to get pregnant... everywhere I go it gets thrown in my face that I'm fat... I workout. I eat healthy and nothing works! What can I do? It's not like I'm not trying. All I drink is water and almond milk and coconut milk. I dont eat breads and I get tons of proteins and vitamins was vegetables and chicken. Everyone makes it seem so easy and it's not 😭 I'm not searching for attention. I'm seeking help. I need advice. Criticism. Thankyou for your time..