Irregular period questions???????

Anna 🥀🌙 • {25}SAHW 💍❤️ Pregnant with my Rainbow EDD 08-18-2025 🌈👼🏻✨ PCOS 💙

So up until last month my period were very regular if I was late it was only 1-3 days but for some reason last month my period didn’t start till CD 52 but I figured my period would come this month as usually but of course it didn’t 🙄 just my luck . I’m now on CD54 . Would i be considered 21 days late or just 1-2 days late cause of last months cycle ??? Should I test again ????? i tested Sunday and i think it was negative idk anymore with the severity of indents lately . When should I set up a doctors appointment Ik they are gonna try and give me progesterone to kick start my period but I’d rather it happen naturally. Is there anything I can do ?????