8 month old going through growth spurt?


FTM here so I may be wrong. But is wanting to eat all of the time a sign of a growth spurt? My son is acting like he is starving all of the time. He is breastfed on top of three meals and a snack a day.

Some examples of his daily menu:

Breakfasts- 1.Eggs with yogurt bites 2. Oatmeal mixed with a fruit pureé and sometimes cinnamon. 3. Small pancakes with banana.

Lunch- 1. Pureès if we need something fast 2. A banana with yogurt 3. Cheese and crackers.

Snacks: 1. puffs 2. Two packs of baby rice rusks 3. A Dole vegetable cup 4. Fruit in a mesh feeder

Dinner: This normally varies based on what we eat but this can be anything from Carrots, mashed potatoes, and some cornbread to Stir-fryed rice.

We generally give him these softer foods because of his swallowing disorder that way we know he won't choke. Am I overfeeding him and stretching his stomach? Underfeeding him? Is it just a growth spurt? He is in the 88th percentile weight wise and his pediatrician says its a good weight. He wasn't acting like he was starving last week but now he is acting like he never gets fed 😖😖.