What I did to get my BFP (I’m still in shock)

Kiki 🌼 • Mama of 2 healthy boys 🤍 (5 & 2)

Hi ladies! I’ve been ttc for my second for a few months now. I’m 13 dpo (Glow predicted AF due tomorrow), but mid day I just couldn’t wait any longer to test. I just knew that if I got a positive, I could run out and get a first response and surprise my husband when he got home, and if it was negative I’d be grabbing a bottle of wine ASAP. So after holding my urine for only 3 hours, while drinking tea, I got my positive. Like, is that not dark y’all!?! ♥️

Is this really real!?!?!

Things we did:

- I’ve been taking folic, and then a pre-natal for probably 6+ months now

- we used pre-seed this month for the first time instead of our typical lube (I didn’t insert it in me though, I just used it like we would normally use lube)

- we BD’d every other day in my fertile window, and then the day of ovulation and the day after (we missed the day before ovulation).

- orgasmed every time (with a vibe, let’s be honest)

- I laid in bed with a pillow under my bum for 20-30 mins after BD’ing (didn’t put my legs up or anything).

Symptoms I’ve been feeling during the tww:

- cramping almost every day, with twinges in my right side for the last 2

- acne break outs (in my T zone)

- super emotional at times (cried in my car because I couldn’t find parking and missed the Santa Claus parade).

- moody and irritable - snapped at my husband a few times (all of these symptoms led me to believe AF was coming, but she wasn’t! So all of you ladies that feel like you “usually do” before AF comes, don’t lose hope! Cos that was ME).

I still can’t believe something so little is growing inside me at this very minute. Praying for each and every one of you ladies and sending you all so much baby dust!

Please pray for a healthy sticky bean for me! Xoxo

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Posted at
Look like we’re in this together!! Congrats!!!


Allie • Dec 14, 2018
Congratulations! Very excited for you!


Destinee • Dec 13, 2018
I found out I’m due 8/14 🥰🥰


Destinee • Dec 13, 2018
Thank you!!!


Posted at
Congratulations! And thank you for putting what helped you get your BFP!


Kiki 🌼 • Dec 6, 2018
Thank you so much!!


Posted at
This bought tears to my eyes, God bless you and congrats to you and your new lil family......One day we have our miracle baby


kendra • Dec 16, 2018
Thanks for sending me baby dust, and you're very welcome


Kiki 🌼 • Dec 7, 2018
This is the absolute sweetest. Thanks so much for your kind words. Sending baby dust vibes your way 💫


Posted at
We’ve been trying since August. I was Starting to get discouraged and I was taking ovulation tests, prenatal vitamins, taking my temp, checking cm, and driving my husband crazy with wanting to have sex all the time. I also used preseed 2 times in the beginning but idk I felt weird using it and I didn’t know how well it would work so I stopped. I had a mental brake down last month and was ready to try my husbands method of “stop worrying and stop trying so hard.” And then I got this a few days ago! We had sex maybe 2 times this last fertile week. Last time was the day before I ovulated.


CarrieH. • Dec 12, 2018
Exactly and so worth the wait! When are you due? My estimated due date is 8/16/19


Destinee • Dec 12, 2018


Fleur • Dec 11, 2018
Congratulations btw!!


Posted at
I laugh every time people write about their emotional symptoms. I would probably cry if I couldn’t find parking and missed a parade. Wtf am I gonna do when I get pregnant?! Haha


Kiki 🌼 • Dec 9, 2018
Why is life so hard sometimes?? Haha 🤣


Posted at
Congrats!!! I did something similar:1. Preseed2. Doing the deed every other day (except day before ovulation) and then on ovulation day Other things I did- take a Facebook break I couldn’t handle announcements and negativity - focuses on good energy - removed negative and toxic people EDD 8/24/19


Posted at
I had cramping and thought it was my period but it was my baby boy letting me know he was there 💙 congrats to you, fairy dust 🧚‍♀️


Melissa • Dec 22, 2018


Kiki 🌼 • Dec 12, 2018
Congratulations to you!!! And thank you!!!


Posted at
We’ve been trying for baby number two for three years my daughter is 6 we recently quit trying and got pregnant I’m now 9 weeks and got my BFP when I was 3 weeks pregnant congratulations it’s so exciting seeing a BFP baby dust to all


Kiki 🌼 • Dec 12, 2018
That’s so exciting!! Congratulations to you, mama!!

Posted at
Omg this sounds like me to a tee lol everything you have said but my AF is due next Thursday so I don’t want to get my hopes up. Maybe reading this story I will have the same news soon 😉

• Alyshia • Bilokraly • • Jan 14, 2019
It’s so crazy how our body is ... I had spotting this month only for a day 😳 like seriously what is going on ... and on 11 dpo a negative test


cr • Jan 14, 2019
On 14 dpo when af was due I bled for that day and that was it now I’m on 16 dpo and some black. Not sure what is going on ?

• Alyshia • Bilokraly • • Dec 15, 2018
So I had light bleeding since yesterday and I was two days late .... tested this morning and negative BUT MY BODY FEELS SO WEIRD


Posted at
This gives me hope! We had to miss our scheduled insemination yesterday because our donor was sick. I’m ovulating today so we will be doing day of ovulation & day after. This is our 11th cycle. I really need this to be it. 😞


Kiki 🌼 • Dec 7, 2018
This is really exciting mama! Please come back and keep me updated! Sending you prayers and baby dust!! 💫