Baby is finally here!

I don’t normally post but I wanted to share my induction story for all those moms who only read negative stories. I was 38 weeks and 4 days when my doctor and I decided to induce me due to high stress caused by a trauma in the family. My doctor started my induction late last night by inserting a catheter balloon between my cervix and uterus to begin the dilation process. After that I went home, had minor cramping but slept the night through. This morning I came in to the hospital and started the process at 6am ( I was already dilated 5cm!!) Hubby and I were able to play cards and watch tv through most of the day as I laboured. Eventually I made it to 9cm without pain meds!! Once they broke my water I asked for my epidural and continued to labour! Only about 2 hours of active labour and I was ready to push! I pushed for only 20 minutes and at 4:52 pm our beautiful baby girl joined the world! Although it was a long and tiring day, I have to say that the whole process wasn’t horrible at all! So happy to finally have our little girl with us!