i need someone to relate


okay so ive had “anxiety” all of my life and recently it’s spun out of control due to school & stress. i was put in a mental hospital for teens and i came out of the diagnosis of Panic disorder, OCD, paranoia, ADHD and depression. my paranoia isn’t bad i just get freaked out people are going to follow me in the store and kidnap me but i never act on it i just stay very alert and “what if” every possible scenario in my head. sometimes i panic over nothing at all and after i question reality & a bunch of things that don’t make sense. i wonder if everything is in my head or what if god isn’t real, where do we go when we die and those are normal things to question but i obsess over them until i lose my mind. i’m on zoloft and adderall and go to therapy, family is fully aware of my problems but then again i feel out of control.