Sibling birthdays at similar time of month??

Amy 🇳🇿

My mum pointed out tonight that babies in our family seem to be born around a similar time of month irrespective of due date...

For example:

My two brothers and I were all born on 27th or 28h of three different months.

My mum and her siblings are 5th, 7th and 9th of different months.

My brothers kids are 5th and 10th

My other brothers are 19th, 24th, 26th..

Anyone else notice this trend in their families/know anything about it? I tried googling, but can’t find anything... I guess possibly something to do with the mothers menstrual cycle...?

I’m interested as my first was born 5 days late on the 6th... and #2 is due on the 10th, so I’m hoping this trend means I won’t go so far over with #2...