Why is it so hard


My husband and i have been TTC for over a year and a half now. I have been taking progesterone and Clomid for the past three months and I’m still not pregnant yet. I know i need to be patient and it’ll happen when it’s meant to be. I just find myself becoming so bitter and angry with it. All of our friends are getting pregnant so fast and seem to have no struggle at all. I see people that in my eyes don’t deserve a baby at all. (Drug users, and using while pregnant) i hate myself for not feeling happy for them because having a baby is a beautiful thing! I’m just so sad because the reality of my situation is that i may not ever get to have a baby naturally. It’s also really hard to talk to my best friends about our situation too because they don’t understand. My best friend of 15 years just had her first baby three months ago and i couldnt even feel joy for her! When i try and talk to her about my struggles with fertility all she said was “I and *insert boyfriend name* weren’t even trying” that felt like such a smack in the face. How do i overcome all my negative thoughts? I feel like it’s starting to eat a black hole in myself.