Induction DRAMA Update


I’m sorry this is kind of long!!

I was scheduled yesterday (Thursday 12/6) at 6am for an induction. My doc really wants me to have this baby by Monday due to some risks that will increase at that point. I was SO EXCITED y’all omg I’m the least patient person ever and I’m so ready to have this sweet baby boy!

Well we called labor and delivery early Thursday morning and they told us to wait cause they didn’t have any beds available. We were bummed but knew this could happen. So we sat around...bags packed...all ready to go...and just waited. Waited. Waited. waited. Got an update around 12 noon: “it’s going to be this afternoon or evening, we’re still pretty busy” we were like okay, that’s fine. My parents arrive in town (they live 10 hours away). We go out to dinner, hang out, yadda yadda. We get another update around 8pm. The nurse says they are STILL busy and they will call me overnight to come in.

I do my best to get some sleep but I’m up checking my phone every hour so anxious! The nurse said that someone will be in touch around 7:30am (currently it’s 7:30 on Friday December 7th) after they do their we’ll see if they remember to call me.

I had a friend who was scheduled this morning (12/7/18) for an induction due to an umbilical cord issue. I figured they’d squeeze her in before me because her issue is a bit more of an emergency than mine. However they’re making HER wait too: when she called this morning they told her they have 16 beds and 18 patients currently.

UGH YALL THIS IS INSANE. Waiting for this phone call for a dang hospital bed to come available has been more frustrating than waiting around for labor! They’ve never been this busy or full. There’s a big snow storm coming this weekend so maybe the pressure of the atmosphere is sending all these mamas into labor?? (all of these mamas except me—haha!) I am just praying that we get in today so that we can get this process started. I’m so anxious to meet my son!