Zika TMI

My husband and I were invited to a wedding in Jamaica. Since I was 13 weeks pregnant, i did not go due to Zika. He informed me they are very cautious there and when he got outside of the airport at Montego Bay, there were sprinklers that he found out were spraying bug spray. He said there weren’t even any bugs on the resort and he absolutely did not get bit. We’re both still nervous to have intercourse, just in case. We struggled to get pregnant for a while so we’re both very paranoid and excited for this baby. My question is (and I am going to call my ob on Monday but it’s the weekend) about oral inter course with him performing on me. I read that Zika can live in sperm but is it possible for his saliva to transfer it to me through oral intercourse? Has anyone else had experience with this? I feel it seems far fetched but like i said, we’re paranoid.