Baby not reaching for things ? Should I be concerned ?

bella • New Mom, happy wife , fur babies !! 💙

Hi moms and dads !!

So my baby is 6.5 months old. He’s a super happy baby, very ticklish and smiling all the time. He started rolling over at 1 month old, had full head control by 1.5 months . Loves to bounce on his jumper. Can follow objects with his eyes and loves watching Mickey Mouse. Anyways , my concerns are he’s not really reaching for toys . He doesn’t like using his hands. We have bought so many toys and nothing catches his attention to make him want to grab them. We put a rattler in his hand and after a few seconds he will drop it. He keeps his thumbs tucked in a lot and when he sits up he has his arms to his sides instead of in front of him. I have a nephew who is 5 days younger then my baby and he reaches for EVERYTHING , wants to grab faces . When u reach to hold him he will put his arms out so I guess I’m just comparing but should I be worried ?? Any advice ? Have u had similar situation?

Please and thanks!! :)