IDK where to go/vent/get advice...*may be a sensitive subject*


Hello Marriage Support Board!! ✋🏼

A little Background: Hubby and I have been together for 14yrs Married for almost 10! We have 3 Miracle Children! *Thank You Lord* He is Part Indian and some other ethnicities and I am half Korean and I believe a quarter German. (I do not look Asian 😩)

Ok...We have a daughter who is 5yrs old...She is the most sweetest, most adorable (yes I am bias, lol) girl!! Anyways I am the type of person that I live in the now but I do like to look ahead and kind of plan “just in case” moments! Anyways we live in a small town (200 ppl) and my children attend the school that is about 17 miles away...everyone that attends the school is pretty “country”, I hate putting labels like that but I’m just trying to explain the situation a bit better...

My husband comes from a very conservative background and Mine is a LOT more laid back compared to his...My daughter has befriend a little boy in her class who is mixed, he is the most sweetest kid I have ever met and so polite!

Anyways one day the subject of dating came up into mine and hubby’s conversation and I felt blind sided by him

He just states that our children WILL NOT date a mixed race person! (Please don’t be offended anyone,if you are I am so sorry) I was speechless for what seemed forever!! We got into a heated argument about how I am ok with our children dating maybe one day even marrying someone who is mixed and Boy did that open a can of worms!!

He said his family would disown our children and if we accepted them and their relationships we would be disowned too! I told him how could that be because if you want to get technical Him and I were a mixed couple! Yeah we may have semi same skin color but he was an Indian and I was Asian! So....He tried justifying everything but I just wasn’t seeing it...

Has any other married couples had this type of discussion before? I know we are talking years from now about our children dating but I want them to feel and know they can date whom ever and Mom and Dad will be here for them!

Am I wrong? How should I go about settling this argument? Will it even be settled?