Birthday tomorrow, still in a funk

Epic • Just taking it day by day.

I have PTSD and bi polar disorder. I get in my little funks I call them and usually they pass without needing much help, as in I go to therapy and talk and I’m usually ok. I’ve been stable for about 4 years now since my last breakdown. I’ve only been manic once this year so far.

This funk has been ok, not awful to the point of being manic but I still know I’m not ok.

My 22nd birthday is tomorrow I feel like I should feel at least ok since I have presents waiting for me at home to open and my family is cooking me and my boyfriend dinner and we will get to see my niece who is only 2 weeks old. All super exciting things right?

Idk I need to scream and just cry but I can’t. I’m just frozen. I want to get absolutely trashed just so I’ll feel something honestly. Anyways just needed a rant.