Do you hit the child? Read first


OK this is a hypothetical question because of something that I thought of today at the store when my anxiety was going crazy. I had my baby in their ergo carrier and close by child about age 5 was having a violent fit. Throwing things off shelves punching and kicking his (grandma? I think?) and it was honestly really scary because she was having a hard time controlling him and he slapped her across the face. And he hit someone who tried to help and almost bit them. My instinct was to get far away because I had my baby in a carrier and if he came and attacked us I would have a difficult time gently getting him away from me. I was scared he was going to hurt my baby.

So let's say it's you and you have the baby in the carrier attached to you and this child comes and tries to hit or bite the baby and the only way you can stop it is with physical force (pushing, kicking away, etc) how do you protect your child? You can try to run but it's dangerous with them in the carrier and the kid is chasing you. Or even if it's a child who can walk and the child attacks them... What do you do?

Sorry if this is dark! I'm freaked out by the situation and my mind is going crazy with what may have happened

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