Depression, Anxiety, Insecurity, don’t know what else to do...


Hi guys, so today was a pretty bad day for my mental health, I felt super depressed, anxious and insecure and I felt alone and like no one cares for me. My boyfriend tells me all the time that I can depend on him and that he’s here for me but sometimes my depression is so frustrating that I get passive aggressive with him and I just don’t want to talk because I’m ashamed that I can’t just get over being depressed. I know it’s literally a mental health issue and it’s not that easy to just wish away, but I know it’s putting a strain on my relationship. I try to do everything that I can from meditation to yoga and journaling but some days it’s really hard to kick depression and anxiety in the ass. Lately I’ve noticed that I’ve been having thoughts of suicide (thoughts of what if it’d be easier if I weren’t here anymore😪), which is scaring me. Anyway, I just needed someone to vent to, if you have any words of encouragement to keep pushing, feel free to post it below😔😔😔.