Anxiety is back results of the emergency contraceptive pill?

I have alway suffered anxiety but I have been able to manage it pretty well over the years but recently I had to take the emergency contraceptive pill and 3 days after I took it my anxiety was at its worst.

Iv had panic attacks and the intrusive thoughts like never before. I almost felt like I wasn’t in my body.

I’m waiting to see a psychologist because I’m determined to get myself back on track. This isn’t me and these thoughts don’t define me as a person and I know that ..just having them play on a loop on my mind takes its toll. It’s affecting my relationships and everyday life.

I just want to know if anyone has had a similar experience taking the morning after pill? Below is the one I took. I live in Australia so it may be different where you live. Iv tried finding any information about it online to see if anyone had the same experience as me but nothing so far.