Baby Brynlee is finally here!

Brittany • Mama of 2 pregnant with #3due March 16 2025

Born on 12/10/18 weighing 7lbs 1oz, measuring 20.5 in length in all her beauty.

Brynlee’s due date was December 3rd but she decided she didn’t want to come out SO we were scheduled for an induction. We get to the hospital at 8:30a Monday morning for our induction and I was only a finger tip dilated and around 50% effaced before anything was given to me. My OB tells me the game plan, 1 pill inserted into the cervix every 4 hours until the next morning to soften the cervix. I was supposed to start pitocin on Tuesday.

15 minutes after she inserts the first dose I start getting contractions at 4 minutes apart. An hour later they are 2 minutes apart and very very strong and painful. I tell the nurse I need something for pain and she does staying “these contractions are only mild, too” Gee thanks! I felt stupid but I look at my husband after she leaves and say in between a contraction “I think she’s wrong” he writes me off because well she’s the nurse. Fast forward 15 minutes after my shot of I don’t know what but thank god for it and I look my husband and mom in the eyes and say this baby is coming tonight.

I was checked and 3 hours in I was 2cm dilated and the contractions are on top of each other I was in a world of hurt, they were also insanely painful and intense so an epidural was ordered but would take time.

By the time I am about to receive the epidural I was progressed to 4cm dilated at 6 hours into labor. I receive the epidural and about an hour after that pain free bliss I start feeling the contractions again, I had a clicker but these contractions were not going away. I tell the nurse and she says she’ll get my OB to come in to check me because she thinks it’s baby’s head. About 20 minutes later my OB comes in and checks and to EVERYONES surprise I had progressed to 8/9cm dilated. Everyone is pumped and in disbelief! I hang out with feeling the baby’s head dropping contractions for about an hour before I was checked again and I had progressed to. 9.5cm dilated. She tells me we will wait for the rest and I can start pushing.

Y’all by this time I’m shitting bricks- this is my first baby and she was supposed to come the following day- my head was spinning! About a half hour later my OB comes back in and checks me again, it’s go time. I had no idea what I was doing.. she tells me to push and I freeze and I’m like “what now? I don’t know how” there is a room full of nurses and my husband and mother. Everyone laughs and one of the nurses says just push during the next contraction as if you has to poop. So the next contraction cane and my legs were held up and I push. Everyone is cheering me on - my eyes stay closed the whole time, I have cheerleaders and coaches telling me what to do and I was telling them each time I felt a contraction- true team work. I pushed for 15 minutes. I pushed so hard I displaces my hips and messed my back up but I was so determined to finally meet my little girl that I pushed my ASS off. The staff said they had never seen anything like my labor for a FTM.

However badass I may have been to them I over did myself and the “induction” and how fast it came on messed up my body, so here I lay finally with some pain relief and a sleeping husband and child with me. I would do it all over again.

Meet my daughter ☺️

Miss Brynlee Jean
