Signs of labor? Help!


Okay so today I’m officially 38w6d. Two days ago, during my normal dr visit, my dr sent me straight to labor and delivery because I was 3 cm dilated, I had an extra amount of watery discharge earlier that day, and contractions (while not regular) had been kicking my butt all day. I went to the hospital, they said my water hasn’t broken yet so they sent me home.

Flash forward to today. I’ve barely had any contractions at all. I’ve felt pretty good actually. I finally lay down for sleep (I’ve had insomnia almost the entire third trimester), and as soon as I start falling asleep around 10:30pm, something hits me. I am drenched in sweat, I’m shaking, cold, and I’m so nauseated I think I’m going to vomit. I don’t calm down enough to sleep until almost midnight and it’s been off and on. I just woke up at 4am and puked nothing. I’m having irregular contractions and I’m starting to shake again. Should I go to the hospital? I’m a ftm, my mom died ten years ago, and my dr quit my clinic about four weeks ago so I don’t have a regular dr I can pick up and call in the middle of the night.