
About two years ago I went through a bad spot in my life. I was going through a breakup. I was doing drugs or taking sleeping pills to get through it. I tried to overdose a few times. I stayed in bed. Slept all the time. After about two months I came out of it. Ever since then if I go through any kinda breakup I feel like my world is completely falling apart like I won’t live without them and I’ll take a few sleeping pills and stop eating and stay in bed for days. Some days I’ll be happy and some I get so wrapped in my thoughts that it’s just a bad day over all. My mood shifts. I don’t sleep at night. I’m claustrophobic & deal with random anxiety attacks. Probably about 4-5 a month. I’m 19 so can I just be a normal hormonal person or do I deal with depression? On days like today I don’t feel depressed but just last night it was a whole different feeling. Advice please?