Low platelets..

Teresa • mommy of 4 little ladies 👭👧🏼👶

Past 6 weeks I've had to go every week to get blood drawn to check my platelets. they usually stay between 102-99 I missed last week so yesterday I went & got a phone call later that night to get told they have dropped down to 91 they are concerned & if it drops down to the 80s they will have to take action. Needless to say I'm very worried. This is my. 5th ( & final ) pregnancy. I'm 32 weeks they ruled out preeclampsia so that's good but there is a possibility of having Kyah early & even losing too much blood & something worse happening. My MIL & I was talking last night & she said it would probably be a good idea to contact a lawyer & make out a will just in case.

I'm beside myself & not sure what to think anymore. I'm trying not to stress too much because I don't want to make it worse & I don't really want to talk to my husband about it because he's already worried & I don't want to put this on his shoulders. I go get labs done the 17th & see my therapist the 18th so hopefully I'll be able to feel better afterwards. Next OBGYN appointment is the 31st.

Anyone else experience this or know what to think?