Rest In Peace child of mine 12/12/18 ❤️👼🏼

Lacey • 02/10/09 👧🏼 miscarried 03/23/2022 💔 Pregnant with my rainbow baby 🌈

I was about 3-4 weeks. This morning I got up to use the bathroom and before I could even sit down blood gushed everywhere and when I wiped, there is was. My small, innocent, unborn child. Yes maybe my baby wasn’t fully formed or I wasn’t farther along.. but it was for sure a miscarriage. So I woke my husband to show him the horrific findings. With tears in my eyes he asked what was wrong.? I broke down and lost it. He just held me and we cried together. (Not to mention today was his birthday, and that made it even harder on us to celebrate) I then went to the ER and had to have the rest of the tissue removed and was sent home. I’m so heartbroken because we were so excited after trying for a year. But this group has been so kind to me and I want to thank the ladies that talked with me this morning when I didn’t know what it actually was at first. Although we suffered a loss, my brothers girlfriend gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy tonight and I whole heartedly believe our child is with him ❤️💙 when I’m better and healed we will try again for our rainbow baby 🌈👶🏼 thanks for listening to my story. Rest In Peace child of mine 12/12/18 👼🏼 we love you so much !