At a loss...

Jenna • Baby girl Reyna 👑 06-30-2021 💞 Baby #2 due 12-28-2022 💜 Lineman Wife♥️ 💍 12.30.2019 🥰 SAHM 💪🏻👩‍👧🤰🏼

This morning at 5:30 a.m. December 13, 2018... I lost my baby... just turned 5 weeks from lmp and my insurance wouldn't allow me to go to a doctor to be sure that my baby was fine because they were to busy trying to figure out my paperwork (it's been 2 weeks since they last told me an update) and today I lost my baby.. and I can't even get a reason.. woke up my fiance since he had to work at 6 anyways and told him the news. He held me while i cried and told me everything was okay we'll try again... but I'm devastated. My 3rd loss I'm beginning to feel hopeless, why can't i carry a child... when i last went to the doctor before my insurance took a shit Dr. told me i was in the clear to conceive with no complications but yet here i am, sitting in bathroom as i pass my 3rd baby so soon.. i know 5 weeks is early and it happens but i wanted this baby so bad, more than life, I was excited to tell family on Christmas and see their excited faces... I was yearning to hold this baby in August as was his/her daddy. He's just as heartbroken as I am, the pain im going through right now physically is nothing compared to my heartbreak.. Mommy and daddy loved you so much so soon.. I hope you're with your other 2 sibling dancing in the sky and watching your parents from above.. I hope God has you in his arms if i can't, i love you so much my dear little one... I always will...