
I was obese so I started eating smaller portions and counting calories. I lost some weight, and my family now thinks I'm starving myself. They stuff me with horrible foods like chocolate, cookies, pies etc. And I only go about 4 days of eating normally before eating about 2,000 calories in a sitting because of it. I can see in the mirror how the weight is creeping its way back onto my body. I can't control what's in the house as I'm 13 and don't do the shopping. Also when this food is in front of me, which it often is, I can't stop. Just today I ate 2 mega cookies, 3 chocolate Cornflake cakes, a tub of mini chocolate Cornflake cakes, a bourbon, a bag of sweets and chocolates, another mini bag of sweets, a chocolate Lolly, a packet of crisp, a carrot, and a bowl of Bolognese sauce. I don't know what to do and it's ruining me.