Need some advice plzz might be a lil long


So im about 11 weeks pregnant im 19 i work 40+ as a medical assistant i live with my boyfriend day who is a manager at a hospital. The problem is that i left my house a lil less then a year ago to be with my boyfriend we are financially ok when I decided to leave my parents got very angry and refused to talk to me i reached out said im sorry i aas forgiven by my mom but a few weeks after she sent me a very nasty text saying she wanted nothing to do with me untill i break up with my boyfriend same goes for my dad. Now being pregnant i know its best to let them know before they find out through anyone else but how? Do they even deserve to be apart of my childs life? Should i text? I tried calling her and she hung up the phone as soon as she herd my voice. Now i would loveee my parents to be apart of this beautiful journey because likee i said my child was not a mistake at all im beyond excited and so is my boyfriend. I just dont know how to go about it