Hi, I need some help and just in case I'll be ranting in this comment


We found out I am pregnant last week. My husband, being the scientist he is, he needed more proof than two solid lines. And well of course I also wanted to know everything was fine and that the "seed" as we call it right now was in the right place. I'm living in Japan now an things are absurdly different when it comes to doctors and way more with OBs and gyns. We just had our first appointment, we had it at 11 but got in with the doc at 12:30 cause she had many patients. It's a new city for us so I went to the one with an English speaking doctor with relatively good comments.

In Japan it is extremely rare if not almost impossible to find a man in these clinics. So everyone looked at my husband. The doctor didn't allow him to be in the exam room. She barely asked me about my medical records, was very fast down there, handed me the eco and told me to come next week. I wanted to ask her about vitamins and the risks of traveling overseas if any. But it was like she wanted me out pretty fast.

In my other doc in another city of Japan, one of my friend experience was that she received blood tests and a national booklet to keep record of the pregnancy and the baby growth until 12 years old I think. But I neither get it, either any advice. So I ask all you out there to please share your first appointments and what were you told by your doc.

I left happy with the first photo of my baby but also a bit angry and very much dissatisfied with the doc that I am thinking to no go back with her.

Sorry if tmi.