Should I wait ?? 🤔😒

So yesterday I was diagnosed with pcos and my doctor never ran any tests blood or urine she said there was no point cause my hpts a week before I seen her were negative , then she prescribed me years worth provera to take every 21 days for a week to make my period start every month but I’m honestly kinda scared to take it till I get an ultrasound on the 20th cause what if my hpts were false negative I don’t know if I would be able to live with myself if I forced myself to miscarry a second time , and yes I know y’all are probably like did I really just read that put let me explain in May I had what I thought was my period 13-17 then on the 20th I started spotting red and brown not enough to fill a pad a day but If I didn’t wear one my panties would be ruined . My doctor had given me progesterone pills a few months prior to make me stop bleeding cause my period was going on two weeks and I had some left over so I figured It’s the same problem so I started taking them later that day then on the 26th I had what I thought was ovulation cramps and I took an opk which came with a pregnancy test so I figured why not it’s gonna be negative , well it was positive and I was beyond happy same with my so but literally the next morning I woke up covered in my own blood , then to find out the progesterone I took to stop bleeding is the same damn pills I was just prescribed to make my period start every month just a different name . I really don’t know what to do I’m so scared to go through that again , it’s already so hard not to beat myself up everyday over it 😭