baby is here! 😍

Brianna • carsyan | darien jr. 💚

well, my baby boy came 6 days early & i couldn’t be more happy ! i was planning on being induced due to the fact that i was in soo much pelvic pain & i just knew that he was going to be a big boy so if i didn’t have him by my due date i was definitely going to opt for an induction. Welp, God had another plan, he said no induction for me! i actually went into labor the day of my 39 week appointment & it started off as my water trickling at 1-2am in the morning then 4am rolls around and i all of a sudden feel a big pop against my stomach thinking i was dreaming, nope water came gushing out! contractions hit about 10 minutes afterwards & they were HORRIBLE! the worst pain i have ever felt! we got checked into the hospital & as soon as i got in the room i was screaming & hollering in pain! the nurse asked if i wanted an epidural but i told her no not yet bc i didn’t want it to wear off, soo she checked my cervix & i was only 4cm dilated & baby was still pretty high up sooo about an hour later i finally asked for the epidural & the anesthesiologist stuck me only in the right side of my back & it hurt sooo freaking bad!! sooo i was only numb on my right side for hoursss steady screaming in pain . they came back and gave me a bigger dosage, & it still didn’t work of course bc of the needle being in the wrong spot , another hour later they redid my epidural the CORRECT WAY but my left side stilll wore out ! i asked for another dosage & was in HEAVEN afterwards. 12:00 rolls around and it was time for me to push! doctor ad to use this suction tool to get him out bc he kept going bck in. i also got a second degree tear. but i gave birth to a beautiful 8 pound 10.5 oz baby boy on December 12, 2018 @ 12:48pm, with head full of hair ! i also wanted to mention how i almost passsed tf out going to the bathroom! i literally blacked out on the toilet and they had to give me extra fluids being that it was a while before i ate anything! but all of the pain was well worth it , im sooo happy he was healthy and passed all of his tests!