Something isn't right? Boyfriend is acting distant

I'm 35 weeks pregnant now and my boyfriend has been acting really distant lately.

I've been in and out of the hospital with concerns about the baby, blood pressure and a lot of other things, such as severe bleeding.

They're having me go in for weekly blood pressure checks, monitoring of the baby and blood tests since I was last admitted a few days ago.

I told him that I have a scan on the 27th and asked if he wanted to come. He said it was up to me and didn't seem fussed about coming to it with me to see our baby.

Each time I'm admitted to hospital he never stays with me, despite there being a pull out bed.

Every time I mention it or bring it up what I've been doing or the hospital, he gets really disinterested and doesn't really listen or pay attention to what I say. Yet he's so enthusiastic when he's talking about work or anything to do with himself.

Sex has dropped off the map and he masturbates in secret. Always taking his phone to the bathroom with him etc.

It's leaving me feeling alone and heartbroken. I've told him this and that I need some support from him but it's really upsetting me to the point where I don't want to be around him or sleep in the same bed. I was happy to see him when he came home from work and now I just want to cry because of his lack of interest in both me and our child. I'm actually considering going to stay with my parents for a week. Would this be the right thing to do?

It's just breaking me when I'm so close to giving birth. And in the space of a week I've been classed as a high risk pregnancy, told I can't have a water birth, and I'm on the border of having preeclampsia.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated xx