Birth Story!


I went in for my 40 week appt on Tuesday December 11th (I was 40 weeks + 3 days). I got an ultrasound and they saw that my amniotic fluid was low so they admitted me so that I could be administered fluids and monitored and they said they would induce me the next morning at 4am. I was excited and so ready, but also veryyy nervous about being induced. With my first, two years ago, my water broke at 38 weeks so this was new for me. So all day Tuesday I was hooked up to an IV but still able to move around with my pole so I tried to stay on my feet a lot because I knew that I was only at a 1. Around 10pm I go ahead and lay down because I know that they will be coming in at 4am to give me Cytotec to get things started. BUT, my little man had other plans! At 2am I woke up to intense contractions. They were very painful and coming every 3-6 minutes. I told my nurse and she said she will hold off on the Cytotec until 6am to see if I’m still contracting and check my dilation. By the time 6am comes I am in ALOT of pain. I get checked and I’m at a 4! So at that point we knew things were progressing on their own and I didn’t need the induction (yay!!). I asked for an epidural and had to wait for over an hour to get it, at this time I was crying through every contraction!! I finally got my epidural and the nurse checked me right after i got it and I was at a 9! No wonder I was in so much pain! I made it to a 9 without an epidural 😮 I pushed for about 20 minutes and my sweet baby boy was born!! So all in all I had a 7 hour labor and no stitches or tears! So thankful how everything went and progressed on its own! 12/12/18 Elam Blake🧡