Hubby Checked out my Butt Crack 😂

Abby • 👶🏼 Danny Lee 7/22/17 👼🏼 12/12/17 👶🏻 Deagon Levi 12/17/18 👶🏼 Daxxen 8/15/2020 Army wife 🇺🇸 Breastfeeding Mama 🤱🏼 Natural Birth Survivor x2

I’m 38+5 weeks with #2 and I haven’t been checked, but I saw just the other day about a “purple line” that goes up your butt crack when you’re dilating... so I took a selfie of my butt crack and sure enough, there’s a small purple line. Well I told hubby about it and he insisted on checking out my butt crack too 😂 he looks at it and with a dead serious face says “yeah, I would say you’re at about a 6” 🤣

... please hurry up baby boy!