Gotta get this baby out (natural inducing tips?)

Bianca • Married&Mama👶🏼¦🇨🇦¦25

I've been in early labour for 2 weeks. I'm officially over it. My midwife said I could naturally introduce my self, which is great news! I'm 38 weeks. Baby is measuring very big, and very LONG according to BPP scan. I'm only 5'1. Husband is 6'4. Had an appointment Wednesday morning, I'm 50% effaced.

After that appointment she gave me the go ahead.

Things I'm doing.

Pumping ( midwife & naturalpaths orders)

Bouncy ball

Pine apple

Sex (only when I feel like it, kinda sporadic.)

Acupuncture been 3 times.

Anything else I can try. My midwife said I could try anything safe.