Greyslyn Lorelee


Oh man I’m so happy,

My delivery and labor went so well, was only in labor for 4 hours,

I went to my clinic appointment and was at 5cm 70% effaced, my ob said she’s definitely inducing me that day!

We got to the L&D at 10:30am

Got all the papers signed put me on pitocin,

My dr came in the room and broke my water at 12:19pm and I was at 7cm and 90% effaced so she broke my waters to have the baby come down,...

my contractions where back to back once she did that, like right on each other so I asked for a epidural, I got my epidural and then the nurse started setting things up in the room after my husband went and was talking to my mom and dad then I could feel my contractions again and had to really breathe threw them and it was painful and I told my nurse and she gave me three more contractions to watch me threw and she checked me again and I was full and she’s like ok I’ll go get the doctor right away I couldn’t hold it back my body wanted to push and I told her so she was on the phone with my doctor and I Hurd my doctor ask if she had time to see her patient and the nurse said no you need to be here now or I’ll be delivering this baby lol,

Then like two minutes before all this happened my mom came in and said she was going to get a snack with my daughter and dad and as soon as they left two minutes later I was ready to push so I was calling my mom and dad telling them to get back here and they didn’t have their phones on but they got back to the room when my DR did so that was good timing lol. This is my fourth baby and she came so fast and it was a great experience,

We sat there and I had one practice push because it slipped my mind how to push for two seconds haha but it all came right back to me and the second contractions I pushed really hard and got her head out and they told me to stop to remove the cord from around her neck and then one more push in the same contractions and she was out so that’s really new for me! Born 2:52pm 7.1lbs 19 1/2inch long

That was my fastest labor and delivery ever! My doctor told me to not tell young girls my experience because that was a walk in the park haha! 😂🥰

My four year old was in the room and she was so excited and got to see her sister and only got grossed out with the placenta part other than that she was amazing. She helped out with weighing her sister and watched so closely everything they did to her, she fallowed her around and was so happy, they gave her a little ornament that said the baby’s name to put on there tree in L&D so I got tons of cute pictures.

My first child took 4 days to labor and deliver and I pushed for 5 hours with him,

My second was a total of 6 hours and pushed for 20mins

My third was 5 hours and 10 mins of pushing

My fourth was 4 hours of labor and 2 mins of pushing.