Nothing goes according to plan


(She’s five now! Updated pics in comments)

I live in Dallas with my fiancé and at 34 weeks I just knew I wasn’t going to make it to 40 weeks... I had been having Braxton Hicks and my blood pressure was slowly going up.... all I wanted was for my mom to get here from NY... at 36 weeks on a Tuesday my mom arrived and THANK GOD she was here... I was so unprepared lol I mean my bag was packed but with all the wrong things... Friday at almost 37 weeks we went to Target and got PJ’S more like a night gown in case I had to have a csection (I wasn’t even thinking about what I needed in case I had a csection) ...ANYWAY Monday morning at 37 weeks I had a Dr appt and my blood pressure was 140/95... my Dr walks in and says “ looks like we’re gonna have this baby” it instantly got so real... we walk down to triage and as I’m signing my papers about to get my hospital band I look over and my mother is in tears 😢😭 so of course pregnant me couldn’t hold back mine...I can’t believe I’m going to meet my baby in less than 48 hrs!!!! So they take me upstairs and put me in a room, put in my IV, hook the monitor up so I can hear my sweet baby’s heartbeat... at this point I’m calm and excited

a nurse walks in and explains to me everything that is going to happen over the next 48 hrs... all I keep thinking is ITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN! So I get something to eat and I’m honestly not nervous at all I’m just so excited and can’t wait to meet my baby. 1hr later a nurse comes in my room to insert a pill at about 10am that will help soften my cervix (so uncomfortable) shortly after the pill was in I started having contractions... (nothing major just felt like lil cramps) 4 hrs go by and it’s time for another pill( seriously soooo uncomfortable) at about 6pm and three pills later the contractions really got intense but I’m holding strong because my original birth plan was to have her naturally... at 7pm my water broke 💦 on its own and let me tell you I wasn’t expecting that much fluid but YAYY!!!! Now time to go to labor and delivery. 😀😃😀 I get to my room and the nurse says I’m 1 cm dilated 😒🙄 (I thought was 5, wishful thinking) my contractions were so intense I started to cry but I was breathing through them... my poor fiancé looked so helpless but him and my mother were so supportively

Contractions were about 2min apart at 11pm and nurse comes in and ask me if I want the epidural... I declined even tho I’m in so much pain, she checks me again and I’m only 1 1/2 cm dilated WTF!!!!!!!

At this point I’m exhausted and want to sleep but I can’t because I’m in so much pain... at about 4am my eyes r bloodshot red because I’ve been crying through the contractions... the nurse comes in to give me a shot that helps slow down the contractions and they put me on oxygen... my baby was having a hard time recovering from each contraction and her heart rate started to go down, my poor Lil baby was just as exhausted as I was... I felt a Lil pressure so I just knew i was almost 10cm and ready to push... the Nurse checks me and I’m 2cm!

I’ve been in labor for about 16 hrs and my water broke 8hrs ago... I’m exhausted... I’m laying down trying to relax with my oxygen mask on because all I keep thinking about is my baby... at about an hr later I call the nurse and tell her I want the epidural... I’m going on almost 20 hrs and I’m exhausted and sleepy... I get the epidural (honestly wasn’t a fan of not feeling anything) and try to get some rest... I slept for 1hr and woke up to tell my fiancé he needed to take the dog out( we live 3 min from the hospital) so at 7:15 he leaves and 15 min later my Dr walks in 😳😳😳 she shows me this strip of paper with my baby’s heart rate and explains that we need to do an emergency csection RIGHT NOW! I instantly started crying 😢😭😢 I was so scared to have surgery... my mom calls Leo and says you need to get back here now!!! They wheeled me out into the O. R and I was terrified because leo wasn’t back yet... I guess he was putting on scrubs

He walks into the O. R (he said I looked terrified) takes my hand and begins to tell me how strong I am, how much he loves me and how proud he is of me... it seemed like 3 mins later I hear my sweet baby girl crying

At 7:57am literally 20 min after my Dr said I needed a csection (they move fast💨 ) weighing 6. 14oz my angel baby Harper Lillian was born

She is everything I didn’t know I needed!

She’s almost 6mths now and I’m watching her sleep and couldn’t help but to write about the day that changed my life forever ❤️💕

My love ❤️