A Christmas gift from a ‘Horrible Boss’


Here is the card that came with a gift from my boss today.

I work for a politician.. needless to say my job is demanding. People regularly say that my boss is dis-engaged, cold and uncaring. And to a lot of people he is.. not because he doesn’t care, but because he is very selective in who he lets in.

I genuinely feel so blessed that he and I have such a good relationship. He has made sure that my work is a comfortable place for me to be while pregnant. He gives me paid time off for my appointments. He always makes sure I’ve stopped for meals and that I take downtime when I need it. I’m a military wife and my husband is going to miss my antenatal classes, I have very few friends and no family here so he offered to come with me as a support person.

People tell me they feel sorry for me having to work for him. They have no idea.

Today he gave me a Christmas thank you gift, this is on top of a paid bounce so I wasn’t expecting it at all.

The gift was baby stuff. He gave me an 8 price outfit, a rattle, a toy and a beautiful cot blanket... AND a $200 gift voucher for a local baby store.

It’s such a nice gesture and such kind words.. it just really means a lot to me.