1 Month Old Suddenly Sleeping Alot

Cheyenne • ʜᴇɴʀʏ ᴀᴜsᴛɪɴ • 11/12/2018

I’m a FTM and my baby boy is 1 month and 5 days old. He has NEVER slept through the night and nighttime is normally a struggle for him. He would wake up every hour to two hours and not go back down without a fight. But all of a sudden tonight, he is sleeping soundly and I had to wake HIM up to eat. Is it normal to just start sleeping through the night all of a sudden? It’s just odd as he will fight going back to sleep at nighttime but he let me put him right back down after he was done eating. I can’t sleep because I’m so paranoid that he’s sick or somethings up. Help!!