Opk progression? Breastfeeding no periods yet


I've been doing opks every couple of days for a few weeks and never saw a test line.

The past week I see a super-faint test line every day but no progression (it is as light as the first step on the glow pic analyser, barely visible).

What would I expect to see if I am going to ovulate? Should it get darker every day?

Background is I have an 8m baby who was exclusively breastfed to 6m when we started strict baby-led weaning. Not eating huge amounts yet but has cut down breastfeeding a little (was very frequent, now can go 2.5-3 hours between feeds). Still bf on demand including overnight (bed-sharing). I haven't had a period yet, but would like to catch my first ovulatory cycle as we would like to try for another asap.

Anyone know what I should expect to see on opks in this situation? Is the faint line promising or could it just stay like that for ages?