Ovulation turning positive before period... HELP

Ayla • 👦🏼Baby #1 Aug 31, 2010 🤰🏻Baby #2 DUE Sept 2nd, 2019 Tried to conceive for 5 years, never had A single positive or slight positive test.

I posted this on another place too.

But my period is suppose to start in 3-4 days...

I ovulated around the 4th - 6th.

I got a cramp similar to ovulation pain on the 14th though, so... I took a test just out of curiosity...

Does this mean I’m ovulating ... AGAIN ?

3-4 days before my period ?!

I use clearblue advanced digital ovulation tests.

The 14th it was VERY faint.

So I took another to see if it would be gone the next day... and they just keep getting darker.... 🤷🏻‍♀️

I just took one and it flashed the smiley face, meaning “High fertility.”

(Smiley is flashing)

(Tests are top to bottom - dec 14th-today)