Not ready to share the good news


Am I the only one who just wants to enjoy her pregnancy without too much outside interference? Well I decided to only tell the very close people to me and that is all. That is, my parents, best friend, n just one sister of mine who is really close. I have quite a big family and with all the patchwork, I have 11siblings. Over 40 cousins, with aunts and grandies, I can say my family adds up to over 200+ people. n that's just those I know. N it ain't just distant, these are family that are close and I know love me. Yeah, we keep contact with eachother in my family even with family where the joining person is over 6 generations back. But just the thought of having that many people know is overwhelming. I haven't even begun counting the friends and family friends that became family. I really have some close aunties that are like second mummy to me but am afraid to tell them because I fear once they know, o will have little control over how fast the news will spread. Already my sister and father are putting so much pressure on me to tell my other siblings. Yesterday my dad told one without my permission just after I told him to wait a bit. And today, my head just can't stop pounding. I think this is all beginning to stress me. I fear for my health. I just don't think I can handle all the pressure I will get if they all start trying to tell me what to do. It is Already bad enough am the last born. N if the few that know are already bothering me this much, how much worse will it get. I know I can't hide the pregnancy for forever. I am married and it is ok to be pregnant. But I need some quiet and peace and alone time. How do I handle people spreading the news behind my back without getting really mad? Because at this point, I think I can't stop the news. I just wish I could have my child with just my parents and husband knowing and that's it. Am I weird or is this some kind of pregnancy hormone. Most surprising thing is before I got pregnant, I was excited about the thought of planning so I shared with some people, and now, all they do is ask me all the time if am pregnant. I wanted to shout on a hill and tell the whole world that I tried for a baby. It took me a while to get ready but I tried first time and got pregnant. The way I wanted to share the news before I got pregnant and when I was 2 weeks pregnant (somehow I was sure it worked) before i confirmed it, is the same way I detest talking about pregnancy with anyone I know now. It just irritates me. Yet I have no problems writing in my diary or Sharing anonymously here. I just noticed that Instead of bonding with my baby, I spend most of the time thinking about how my privacy isn't being respected. Concerned about other people. This is the very reason I didn't want many people to know. I feel like all my emotions are just being wasted on negative feelings I get whenever people just act insensitive or say disturbing stuff instead of the positive vibes I was looking forward to between my baby m I. I feel cheated. How can I blend out everyone else and concentrate on my baby? I have thought of just throwing away my phone or leaving the internet world so that I can get some peace. But I need it sometimes.