Meet my son!😌 my story...

Lauren🥀 Mum to baby C.j❤️Pregnant With Baby#2🤰🌈

Right, I’ve never felt comfortable to put my son up on anything really...

so feel special!

Meet my handsome little guy! Caleb-Jay Matthew.

I know I know your all going awwwwww😉

Went though he’ll and back with this little guy!

long story short

His biological father was AWFUL! He was controlling and he was abusive..

I was 18 weeks pregnant, had been trying for over a year and his father decided to kick me in tummy, hit me, kick me and punch me, he pinned me up by my neck and said he’ll kill me, all I said back was ‘don’t kill our baby because you hate me’ at this point I was petrified. I kept strong and kept fighting for my little boy! The day I found out I was having a boy I was over the moon! I wanted a boy as my first and god gave him to me, I think he thought I deserved him after what I went through. My little Caleb was delivered by C Section too! I now have the best boyfriend I could ever ask for! Know him since I was 15 and I’m best friends with his sister!🤭 lol!

I don’t want pitty and I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me, because I’m stronger than I was in the beginning!!!

I guess what I’m saying is, no matter how much shit life throws at you you are strong enough to get through it all!!! If anyone is going through anything similar then just know that you aren’t alone, you can do it and you will be stronger at the end of it all!

It’s taken me some balls to post this because it’s not something I like to share. So no hate please xx