cesarean ptsd? Its ok


When I gave birth to my son via emergency cesarean because after 5 days in early labour and 18 hours after my induction I didn't dilate past 4cm, they guilt and sadness I felt for the following months was almost unbearable. I felt like a failure, I ran through every option in my mind for months, maybe if I'd stayed home longer, maybe if I asked them to wait I'd have dilated, so many things running through my mind and after months it finally sunk in. Natural, cesarean, forceps, epidural, it truly doesn't matter. The outcome is the same, we end up with a beautiful new life and I truly regret wasting so much time hating myself for my cesarean. Maybe one day I'll get to redeem my sons birth with a natural one but if not that's okay as well. I just want anyone else to know if you feel guilty, if you feel like a failure for not having a natural birth, its okay. You are not a failure, you are a mother who did what she had to get her baby here safely but if you are sad right now about it, let yourself be sad, grieve the birth you didn't get and heal from it. We are all super heroes regardless. You're not alone. Motherhood is hard enough job without hating yourself for how you got your baby here, we should all be so proud of ourselves everyday and I will go to bed for the rest of life thanking God for my baby boy. I mean just look at him 😍