

So I got positive digital opk at cycle day 11, pretty sure I ovulated at cycle day 12/13. So at 6dpo until 9dpo I’ve had mild cramping, so soon before af would even arrive, the cramping was on and off and just felt like af was gonna arrive any min. Now nothing beside my boobs are tender nipples tingle and I’m crazy moody, and constipated. I did have mild pains on one side during the 6-9dpo. Of course I test for the last three days in a row and I get negatives. Af is due on Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> (6 days away). Is it still soon? Does the cramping just stop like that? I went from feeling like we were successful to getting discouraged because I’m testing. Any advice would be great! I kee thinking nope I’m our this cycle and I think I’m jumping the gun.