New to this group

Khloie 🇬🇧 • Baby boy 10th Dec ‘17 🐒 Baby girl Aug ‘19 🤱🏼

Hiya ladies.

I just found out I’m pregnant with number 2. Baby number 1 turned one just over a week ago. I basically just want your own opinions and experiences. I know this is not a place for medical advice I simply would just like to hear what you ladies think 🤗

Here is my situation:

I was induced at 41+6 with Reign and my waters had gone naturally that night before I went to hospital. I was 2cm and cervix was quite thin when we started. After 12 hours on the drip of upright labouring I was still only at a 2. No progression at all with contractions coming quick all night. Reigns heartbeat was dipping through contractions and in the end dipped so much I had an emergency c-section under a general anaesthetic.

I spoke to a consultant midwife today and she was wondering had babies heartbeat not dipped the way it did - and I had more time on that drip - would I have progressed? That’s what my burning question is.

I absolutely loved my labour and was so excited to give birth. I had such a traumatic chain of events surrounding his birth, the simple fact I wasn’t even conscious to see my baby be born, no skin to skin, I had a major PPH and almost ended up with sepsis my infection levels were that bad. I also have group B strep which today we realised is what caused that massive infection to me and my little baby. He had to have a lumbar puncture and all sorts when he was born and it was all very distressing. I consider that the worst week of my life because I was so ill and on top of that lost so much blood I genuinely thought death was imminent.

My question is, I want to hear your successful or unsuccessful VBAC stories. The brutal truth.

Is it worth trying for? Should I just have an easy elective csection? I feel like I can’t risk that trauma again but I’ve always wanted to give birth. Not to mention the recovery from a csection with a toddler.

Thanks so much for reading if you did