Please read very important


Hi all of you mum's to be. So I am writing this for all of you to read as this is super important information for everyone.

This is my story from yesterday.

4.30pm yesterday I took a jolt and I experienced severe pain down the right side of my belly. I immediately began to get tightness across my uterus. decided to have a drink of water and lay down for an hour. One hour passed and I felt nauseous and the tightness didn't stop. I called the hospital and they got me to go straight in. I was put onto the monitors and had an IV put in immediately.

One hour passed and my bubs heart rate started to sky rocket, it was 204 for over an hour. The doctor said we need to try to get his heart rate down because my bub could have a heart attack inside my uterus. (wtf, who knew that could happen). They said a cesarean might not get him out in time if it happens. I was so upset and stressed beyond belief.

11.30pm after loads of medication and fluids it began to drop. What a relief!!!! 1am I am allowed to go home for a few hours to sleep.

I am scheduled to get an ultrasound on my bub in 3 hours and then off to get a cardiograph on him after that.

Why am I telling you all this? I see posts of woman asking should I go to the hospital all the time, after they have a fall or a jolt.

Short answer is YES, go straight to hospital because your baby is not causioned like you think.