Any advise?

Natasha💕🌸 • Little Bean #1 Due 27/12/18

So my nearly 5 week old is eating a lot?

Well he was five weeks prem, and has always demanded his food since birth, in the past two weeks he was going 3-4 hours on 3-4 oz but was wanting more most times? And he developed a bit of colic so we switched formula and now the last two days he’s been wanting feeding every two hours drinking 4oz at a time! In the day I could just cuddle him back to sleep eventually but would only go another hour so we feed him at the 3hr mark? But now he’s drinking 5oz as he was still screaming and mouching for more at the 2hr mark Now I’m sorta scared I’m over feeding cause he’s still only going 2hrs!

He was born 5lbs 2 then when we left he was 5lbs 7 but not been weighed in two weeks he gets weighed tomorrow!

Please any advise