Ask me anything, I’m here to help!

Noradun • 🌸Due in Sept 2019 with 🌈 after TTC 3.5 yrs with PCOS👣Mommy of 5 💑 Married for 14 yrs👩🏼‍🎓Graduating in 2019 👩🏼‍💻 WFH Mom 🌼

So I have been on Glow awhile and I feel like I see a common connection among women TTC here, and that is that they really don’t know the female cycle or their own body! I personally feel like this is imperative to improving one’s chance at conceiving, especially with issues like PCOS!! So, I would love to help educate if anyone has any question!

A little background on me! I have had PCOS since my cycles began at 10! When I was 18 I began to do some research and found out about PCOS! Prior to this doctors always pushed BC which I was never comfortable taking! When I brought up PCOS to my doctor she was clueless about the condition and I had to further educate her! When TTC my doctor put me on clomid to make me ovulate and when I wouldn’t she would prescribe provera! She continued this faithfully, it was only after further educating myself, I explained to her why this was not ideal and we stopped treatment! I later conceived on my own, and have continued to take my fertility into my own hands ever since! I have had 6 pregnancies, I have 5 children, and it took 1-3 1/2 yrs of TTC to get each of them! I have conceived on Soy, Black Cohosh, a Indian fertility diet, and Femara! Clomid was never successful for me! I have learned my body inside and out, and if it wasn’t for that fact I truly believe I likely wouldn’t have any of my children! So if any of you all have questions or want help learning about your bodies, cycles, etc, if you want to talk herbs, oils, meds, if you want me to read your charts, etc feel free to message me or comment! I am happy to help share what I have learned!